Hi Friends,
I am continuing my social media break through February 13th, but I have been busy behind the scenes. Here is a look at January on the farm!
But first, I am hosting 3 (free) LIVE classes for beginner sheep farmers this month (Feb 18-22nd)!!! The classes are held virtually on a platform similar to zoom. During the 1 hour livestream I am going to teach how I:
- Raise Sheep (for above average flock health)
- Graze Sheep (to maximize pasture and minimize feed costs)
- Market Sheep (direct-selling lambs for $480 each)
Each class will be the same (covering all 3 topics above in 1 hour), but I usually fill up really fast so I am hosting it 3 different times. That way everyone that wants can have a chance to attend 🙂
We had a pretty significant amount of snow (for Texas) this month. I think it was close to 5″! It melted pretty quickly.
LIVE LAMBING PHOTOS below, so stop at this picture if you don’t want to see.
It feels like I just finished fall lambing, and here I am with my main group starting to lamb! Last year I moved my main lambing from March/April to January/February. It worked so well I am repeating it for 2025. I am often asked if Dorpers do well in freezing temperatures. Yes! The lambs are extremely hardy, as long as they get on their feet and start nursing immediately after birth they don’t seem to have any trouble.
I had a ewe that lost her lamb to a breech presentation (you can tell the lamb is breech when it’s “toes” come out pointing downward). Despite the stillborn lamb, the ewe was very eager to be a mother… so I took the opportunity to try something I have seen other sheep farmers do…
I put the skin of the dead lamb on one of my bottle lambs…
The bottle lamb wore the skin like a jacket for a little over a day and the duo bonded perfectly! It was a great success!
E-book: the Basics of Raising Sheep on Pasture |
Given the high cost of international shipping, I have had many requests for an E-BOOK version of my bestselling book: the Basics of Raising Sheep on Pasture. Enjoy!
I hope to see you at one of my free (online) classes this month!
-the Shepherdess
“Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him…” Psalm 37:7
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