Interested in purchasing my Dorper Lambs for your own farm? Join my waitlist below!
Hey Friends,
I am so excited to share behind the scenes from March at my farm. Also, mark your calendars for May 10-11th. Lordwilling, I will be in Luling Texas for a meet-and-greet! Market at the Farm is a free event hosted by Sunny Hill Flower Farm at Mercy Meadows Ranch. RSVP below!
Market at the Farm in Luling, TX is the perfect Mother’s Day day trip: U-pick flower garden, live music, food, coffee, petting zoo, games for children, local vendor market and more! I hope to see you there :).
(RSVP is free. If your schedule changes you can be cancel any time before the event.)

The very last lamb of the season was born in March! I will have more details on 2024 lambs for sale in April’s farm update! Please stay tuned.
I’m grateful for early spring pasture! I launched my spring grazing program on March 7th, one week ahead of schedule! I was definitely glad to stop feeding hay a bit early this year :).
Speaking of grazing! I found a great deal on 1000 Pigtail Posts for rotational grazing (previous owner used them to create dividers at a concert)! But I don’t need all 1000… I’m passing the deal on to you by selling bundles of 20 at almost HALF RETAIL PRICE (free shipping on $75+). Go grab some!!

I rotational graze my sheep, moving them to a fresh paddock around 2-5x per week. I use two lines of (electric) Polytape to create new paddocks. The lines are set at around 6″ and 24″. The heights make it too low to crawl under and too high to (comfortably) jump over.

With 6 bottle lambs at once, I decided to invest in some fenceline bottle racks! It is fun to watch them lineup and feed themselves!
I have been weaning my bottle lambs at 40lbs (reaching this weight by about 10 wks old). I feed them hay and alfalfa pellets (sometimes a small handful of crushed barely mixed in) so that they are ready for a full transition to solid food once they reach 40 lb.

For my regular lambs I wean them off their moms around 50 lbs. They stay in my weaning pen until they reach 60lb. In the weaning pen I deworm them and feed hay and alfalfa until they hit 60lb. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for them to reach 60lb. At 60lb, they graduate to pasture and are grazed the same as the rest of the flock. This is my 3rd year using this weaning system. Lambs in this system seem to have better parasite resistance than the rest!
I just listed my Raising Sheep Book Bundle, with the 3 books I recommend you have on hand as a beginner Shepherd. You can buy all 3 together or individually by clicking here!
Thanks for reading! I appreciate your support very much!
-the Shepherdess
“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:8