Hello Friends!
I am excited to share an October farm update with you! This one is fun because I had the opportunity to travel to Virginia to meet some of you! Enjoy a look at October at Harmony Farms.
I traveled to Virginia for Homesteaders of America 2023! I was super-excited to find an orange TENT for the event ;). It was a great opportunity to promote my book!
If you missed the conference, all of my tees are available (with FREE SHIPPING) at Shepherdess.com!
The best part of the whole event was meeting so many of your face to face!!
October is such a month of refreshing on the farm! The lambs are all off to processing, the weather is cool, and the ewes are ready for breeding.
This year I shortened my fall breeding window. I talk about it in this video, but I noticed that ewes that lamb after April 1st struggle with parasites more than the ewes that lamb in March. This year I plan to have spring lambing finished by March 15th, then rejoin any open ewes for a fall lambing. I’ll be excited to share how it goes!
Thank you for reading and supporting the work I’m doing!
-the Shepherdess
Are you looking for sheep to purchase? Check out the Shepherdess Breeder Directory!
Peter Mascetta says
Love you posts. Follow all of them. I am looking to purchase Royal Whites for my farm in Southern Maine.
Harmony Shepherdess says
Thank you!!