The Basics of Raising Sheep on Pasture: a Book for Beginners in Sheep Farming.
About the book: The Basics of Raising Sheep on Pasture
In 2017, my family and I moved to the country. Shortly thereafter we bought a flock of 36 sheep. We had no previous experience in raising four-footed livestock. Our first few years as beginner sheep farmers was incredibly rough. Over the course of five years, we earned a hard and fast education on animal husbandry. We learned through losses, trial error; you name it, we probably went through it.
In 2020, I personally stumbled upon the concept of regenerative pasture management. It was a combination of an education on basic husbandry principles and regenerative pasture management that took death rate on our sheep farm from 40% in our rookie year to less than 5% three years later.
Industry average death rate for sheep farms nationwide is 15%, so this drop is absolutely astounding.
For the past six months, I have been working to condense everything that allowed us to so dramatically increase productivity on our sheep farm.
The result is a rich resource for beginner sheep farmers.
That resource is a book that I am so thrilled to announce: the Basics of Raising Sheep on Pasture. What sets the Basics of Raising Sheep on Pasture apart from any other book on raising sheep is that it is a photo-educational book. As much as it tells you what to do, it shows you what to do.
The pictures in this book are vivid and show you step by step how to implement the basic principles necessary to raise and rear a healthy sheep flock. What’s more is that sprinkled throughout the book are a series of QR codes. Should you choose to pair technology with the use of this book, you can scan those codes to be taken straight to videos that further expound the processes explained on the page.
While this book was not necessarily written for children, the easy to understand framework makes it ideal for a young audience. The videos that are accessible through these codes are hosted on a child friendly platform and free of third party ads.
This book is being launched exclusively through and will not be found on Amazon.
Thank you all for your support to this point! I wouldn’t be doing this without you.
-the Shepherdess
“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.” Psalm 90:17
Good Morning, Grace
How do I pre-order or even order your new book?
As always awesome job!
Hi Jim! Pre-order opens tomorrow morning at 8AM! You will find the book at
Grace I’m very proud to see your work and Gods Blessing you and the people you come in contact with through your videos. I watch your videos every chance you do a podcast. I’m a 67 year old Disabled Veteran but I’m not going to let that stop me from pursuing my dream of owning my farm. With Gods Blessing I will accomplish my dreams. Thank You for all you do and I would love to be the first person to order your book. Will you please sign the book.
Thank you sir! I will be glad to sign your copy. Thank you for your kindness and support!
Good morning Sherperdess,
I am 2 hours early but waiting on pre-order the book. I watch your videos though Id like to do more my time is limited with running 3 businesses and started a new ranch location just outside Aiken SC. Moved here from the Fort Worth area where we have a 5 generation ranch. Im very proud of how hard you and your family have worked throughout everything thrown at yall. Keep it up and stay strong. Your an inspiration to more then you could possibly know.
I’m so encouraged by your email. I give God the glory for the good and THANK YOU for supporting my efforts.