Tue, Aug 10 at 7:45 AM
The Shepherdess Dorpers Ram and Whether sale goes live TOMORROW at 8AM CST!! All purchases will take place at ShepherdessDorpers.com and pickup will be arranged after the sale.
I was asked to describe the traits that put these rams at the top of my flock, so here they are!
Each Ram lamb has a tag # and you will have the opportunity to buy the specific rams described below! First come, first served. No reserves.
2111: From the moment of birth this ram lamb has displayed an ideal build and stellar rate of growth. He was the largest lamb at weaning and has the nickname “mammoth” on pasture. His mom is probably the strongest ewe in my flock, maintaining excellent condition clear up to weaning.
2110: This ram lamb falls in close behind mammoth: he has displayed excellent rate of growth from the beginning. This ram is almost an exact replica of my commercial flock sire: strong build and excellent markings. His mom is extremely productive, lambing at just one year old and maintaining incredible body condition clear up to weaning.
1824-RL: In addition to excellent rate of growth, this ram lamb is the offspring of my most parasite resistant ewe. This ewe has produced offspring that consistently makes it through inspection with outstanding scores on the FAMACHA scale. This parasite resistance is an incredible trait to carry into your flock.
2109: This Ram lamb is the offspring of one of my most resilient ewes. She is highly productive, dropping twins unassisted at nearly every lambing. She has been with the flock since 2018 and is a total veteran on pasture! This ram’s mom has more color on her body than my other ewes. This is purely cosmetic and does not effect the productivity of the animal, but I wanted to list this in case a pure white body is high on your priority list.
1904-RL: This ram lamb is out of one of my favorite ewes: She is highly productive and my best shedder, dropping 100% of her coat before any of my other ewes. She lambed twins effortlessly on her first lambing. She has perfect markings with a pure white body and jet black head. I call her my “show sheep” and you will see her in most of my youtube thumbnails and profile pictures.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
-the Shepherdess
”So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6