Click to Watch all 2024 AMOS MILLER, Amish Farmer VIDEOS HERE
Amos Miller 2022 Federal Case Recap
Amos Miller 2022 Federal Case Verdict
2024 Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Lawsuit Against Amos Miller Organic Farms:
Amos Miller, the Amish Farmer in Bird in Hand PA has been raided and is being sued by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture in 2024. In this video I am going to provide you with details surrounding the January 2024 raid of Millers Organic Farm by the State of Pennsylvania; a raid which comes just one year after the conclusion of the Federal Government’s lawsuit against Miller in the United States vs Miller Organic Farm case.
PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO: there has been very little media coverage of the most recent raid and the scope of this suit is too large to be glazed over.
I covered Miller’s Federal case which spanned from 2019-2023 in 2 videos, linked below.
As it stands in the USA today, every meat and dairy product that is sold at the retail level must be either directly inspected by a USDA or state agent, or (as in the case with dairy) must be processed by an establishment with license and/or permits from the state or federal government.
Private membership associations like Miller’s Organic Farm, as well as herdshares, etc. are final avenues through which small farmers can provide product direct to consumers without government mediation.
Even moreso, it is the final avenue through which YOU the consumer can opt-out of a dangerously centralized agricultural system, a system that is at present a threat to National security.
Henry Kissinger, National Security advisor under Nixon and Ford said this: “Control oil and you control nations, control food and you control people.”
If the state or federal government can de-legitimize or bankrupt Miller’s 4000+ member Private Membership Association, it could signal the beginning of the end for thousands of other small farmers across the USA who are operating under the same framework.
If you are local to Pennsylvania, or can at all make the trip I want to encourage you to be present at the Lancaster County Courthouse on February 29th at at 11:30am.
for the COURT RALLY that will directly precede Amos’s Court Hearing at 1pm.
If you are like me (not local) donate to Amos Millers Give-Send-Go Campaign using the link below. Robert Barnes is the Lawyer representing Miller Organic farms and is from my evaluation, Barnes is doing so with a firm grasp on what this means for food freedom in the USA. Barnes has estimated that legal fees for Miller’s case will reach one-quarter million dollars by the end of March.
According to Attorney Robert Barnes, the State of Pennsylvania has sued Amos Miller and is in pursuit of a COMPLETE and permanent injunction against Miller Organic Farms.
If won, the lawsuit will set legal precedence for the shut down of the thousands of private farming operations across the USA.
By all appearances, the end goal is not Amos Miller; but, as Kissinger cited, control of the people through food.
Now for the recap of the raid on Miller Organic Farm in January of 2024, as provided by Miller’s Attorney Robert Barnes as well as the Lancaster Patriot. Both sources linked in the description.
Search warrant issued on January 3rd:
On January 3rd a search warrant was ordered for Miller’s Organic Farm by Judge B. Denise Commins
In order to obtain a legitimate search warrant, a crime or probable cause must be present.
In the place of crime and probable cause, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture presented two allegations of food borne illness tied to Miller’s dairy product: one from 2016 and another from 2023.
According to Miller’s Attorney Robert Barnes there were two 2 major problems with these allegations:
#1 The allegations were unverified and dated back to 2016 and 2023. Remember, in 2023 Miller reached a settlement with the federal govt. and these allegations fell under that timeframe.
According to Barnes, The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture lied by omission, failing to cite this fact, which would have disqualified their use as the “crime” or “probable cause” necessary to justify a new search warrant.
What is more, is that Miller Organic Farm has had no customer complaints filed at the state level in over 15 years, which leaves one to wonder how the state materialized these complaints in the first place.
#2 Were the allegations of food borne illness legitimate they ought to have been served through Miller’s legal representative, Robert Barnes, and not through a search warrant.
Raided by Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and State Police on January 4th:
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture wasted no time, however. The very next day, on January 4th, they conducted a search of Miller’s Organic Farm was, with Pennsylvania State Police offering assistance on site. (-lancaster Patriot).
During this search a Detainment Order was placed on a large portion of Miller’s Food Inventory. The detainment order prohibited Miller’s Organic food products from being distributed to the private members until further notice.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and State Police allowed no 3rd party on the premises while they conducted the search of Miller’s Organic Farm…. As such there was no accountability for what was done to or with the food products during the search.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture left with several of Miller’s food products in coolers and affixed a sign to the door that prohibited the contents of the Freezer units from being sold or sampled by Miller. This leaves Miller without the ability to perform the independent testing that may be necessary to disprove potential allegations of contamination.
What’s more is that according to Robert Barnes, detaining food products was not an allowance provided by the search warrant. Barnes cited that what happened here was a general warrant which is in direct violation of the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
What is more, according to Barnes, the warrant for the January 4th search was issued on the basis of Miller’s DAIRY products, however the entire content of Miller’s freezer was restricted, including the pasture raised meat products that were stored alongside the dairy. Several of Miller’s shelved products including granola, canned goods, etc were labeled with Detention order stickers. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of highly perishable merchandise was detained; creating yet another significant financial loss for Miller.
On January 19th
On January 19ththe State of Pennsylvania added an extension to the original detention order. The original detention order restricted food inventory that was on site during the January 4th search. However, the extension on January 19th prohibited the distribution of newly processed dairy products.
On January 24th
“Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Sues Amish Farmer Amos Miller”
Attorney General Michelle A. Henry said in a statement. “We cannot ignore the illnesses and further potential harm posed by distribution of these unregulated products… Pennsylvanians should know what is in the products they and their families are consuming.”
The irony of that statement is that a primary reason Miller’s 4000 Customers buy his organic food is because in doing so they know exactly what is in the products they and their families are consuming.
(2023 Update) Amish Farmer Court Verdict | United States vs. Amos Miller
Hard Facts on the Amos Miller Case // Miller Organic Farm
Here is a report from the courtroom on the United States v. Miller’s Organic Farm case.
EMAIL: shepherdess (at)
Credits to @Fox News and @Rebel News for footage.
The “Amos Miller” story has gained momentum around the web as the USDA has restrained and raided his organic farming operation in Bird in Hand, PA. Amos miller produces chemical free grass fed beef, pork, chicken, dairy, and fermented foods; distributing to his customer base of 4,000.
Here are 3 facts that reveal what is really happening at Miller’s Organic Farm. 1. The USDA is specifically targeting Miller’s Organic meat processing operation, not his entire farm. Amos Miller processes and distributes beef, poultry, and pork which he processes in one of his self-made processing facilities. Animals are processed under the inspection and oversight of Amos Miller and not the USDA. According to USDA regulations, meat must be processed under the direct oversight of a USDA agent if it is going to be distributed direct to consumer. This regulation give the USDA direct control of the farm to consumer meat supply. However, setting the element of control aside, processing at a USDA facility poses problems for Miller’s customers. USDA processing facilities spray meat carcasses with citric acid, a chemical compound that produces allergic reactions in some of Miller’s customers.
2. MIller’s operation is healing not harming the public.
3. Miller is not being allowed to choose his own attorney. Federal Judge Edward G. Smith ruled that in the USDA vs. Amos Miller case “Amos Miller does not have the right to choose his own attorney”. Miller is taking his appeal to Third Circuit in Philadelphia. Miller states: “we have come to realize that the only way to save our hard working farmers and healthy foods is to legally challenge the government”. In the United States the US constitution is regarded as the highest law of the land. It was authorized in 1787, but 11 years earlier on July 4th, 1776 (a date we celebrate to this day) another document was signed which may be more relevant to us as individuals under our current administration. It is from the Declaration of Independence that I quote: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…. Whenever ANY form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it…. Accordingly, all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are suffer able, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” I urge you to subscribe to my newsletter below for uncensored updates and please click on this video for a more in depth look at the regulations governing our meat supply chain.
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About this Channel: This channel chronicles my journey as a sheep farmer from the very beginning. My primary occupation is in business management. In 2020, I discovered the principles of regenerative agriculture and embarked on a journey with the end goal of building a profitable small farm on 23 acres by 2027. Thank you for joining the journey!