Hi Friends, This farm update is packed with announcements! Ram lamb reservations are open! I had an 80%-20% ram-to-ewe ratio this year, so I don’t have any ewes to offer, but these ram lambs are sure to upgrade your flock! Also you are invited to my 3rd annual SMALL FARMER VIRTUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY (free livestream)!! It is Friday December 12th at 8pm (CST). Chicken Lady and I are hosting. We will have farm trivia for prizes. Because it is virtual you can join from anywhere in the USA and even worldwide (just keep in mind the time zone differences).
The flock is doing great! We have had a lot of pasture this year, so there has been plenty to graze.
My first fall lambing was pretty low-key… “low key” is always a welcome label for lambing! A few ewes needed assistance, which is typical for my flock – especially with singles. Singles are much larger than twins and more prone to becoming stuck en-route :). (Just as a heads up, I am not sitting on this ewe… my legs are propped in a way that is not applying any significant pressure)
The only unusual issue I had with a lamb was an umbilical cord bleed. The photo on the left shows the lamb’s cord (still bleeding) 24 hours after birth. For reference, after 24 hours the cord should be mostly dry (shriveled up). I did not have an umbilical clamp or surgical string (recommended for this issue), so simply sprayed the cord area really well with Vetericyn wound spray and tied it off with dental floss (about 3/4″ from the belly). The photo on the right is after about 10 days! The cord popped off and is completely healed over. This issue often occurs as a result of the cord being stepped on by the mom or the lamb shortly after birth. The prevention here would have been trimming and disinfecting the cord at birth (when I noticed it dragging the ground). Lesson learned, but I’m grateful for a happy ending!
A (non-refundable) deposit of 50% is due now and the remaining 50% before pickup in April/May (will email you at the first of the year with details). You must be ready and able to pickup the ram in Sulphur Springs Texas. delivery within 120 mile radius is available for an additional fee.
And to finish it off, here is EARLY ACCESS to my 3rd episode from my series on Shepherding in Europe!
-the Shepherdess
P.S: All orders for BOOKS, SHIRTS , or STICKERS from now until Christmas Day will come with a MAFA Sticker as a free gift!! Keep Shepherdess.com in mind for Christmas Shopping!
“He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11 |
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