Purebred Commercial Dorper Rams for breeding.
Sire (father) is a Registered Ram. Dams (mothers) are pasture adapted, purebred commercial stock. Ram lambs will be approximately 80 lbs at pickup.
You are purchasing October and November Born Ram Lambs. These rams will be ready to breed a small flock of up to 15 ewes by August of 2025 and up to 40 ewes per cycle in 2026.
Hardy, pasture-based genetics.
Customers must be ready and able to pickup around April/May of 2025 (will email with official pickup date as well as an invoice for the remaining 50% payment at the first of the year).
This is a non-refundable 50% deposit, total price is $480. Final 50% is due before pickup in April/May.
Out of stock
Vicky –
I do have a question please forgive me if it’s a crazy question. Will this Ram come with registered papers? I have registered ewes and I’m in need of a registered Ram.
Thank you.
Frederick Bedwell –
I would love to be on your list but this post says out of stock all ready and every time you send me email they are out of stock…I understand the high demand. Personal emails excepted! I am ready for a Dorper Ram & a Dorper Ewe. Thanks
Elizabeth –
Wow you sold out in less than 18 hours. I just picked up 3 ewes this fall. Hopefully I’m ready to invest in a good ram in another year or two. I want to take my learning curves on less inve$tment animals before I commit to the upgrade of Dorpers.
Can you do a video on the expected growth rates, and meat harvests from the various hair breeds? St Croix, katadin, dorper… these ewe crosses I got are a mix of royal white, Finn, texel, romanov….
Kelsie Mae Shockley –
Hi there! I’m just checking to see if you are truly out of stock or if it’s posted as that and you accept reservations another way? My husband and I follow your newsletter as was suggested to get on your list for lambs. Please any help would be greatly appreciated.