Sheep are not mini cows, and we learned that the hard way…
As beginner sheep farmers our first few years were really rough. In short: a lot of dead $heep (yes, the dollar sign is there on purpose🙈).
I want to cut that painful (and expensive) learning curve for you. That’s the goal of my Youtube channel and my free E-books and worksheets.
But I am taking it one step further. On Wednesday I am hosting a 1-hour crash course on what we did to take death rate from 30% in 2018 (our first year of sheep farming) to less than 5% in 2022!
In this class I will walk you step by step through how I raise my lambs from birth to 8 months (the time period when most death happens). This will also include pre-lambing and post-lambing care for the ewe.
A profitable flock starts with LAMB FOR LIFEâ’¸!
Hope to see you there,
the Shepherdess
P.S. If you sign up you will receive a replay of the workshop via email (including worksheets and supplies lists). If you cannot attend the class live, you will still reap all of the educational benefits.
“He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young.” Isaiah 40:11​
Amen ,Grace!
May you be blessed today.