Hello friends,
It’s March!! Lambing has kicked off and 40% of my ewes have given birth so far. I apologize: if you have emailed me this month, I have been living on pasture or at the lambing shed and have been slow to respond. That said, join me for Small Farmer Virtual Meetup on Thursday and we can talk there! It is a FREE 1 hour livestream where you can chat with me and 70+ farmers across the globe. REGISTER HERE.

Lambs are dropping! If you saw this video last summer you will know I traveled cross country to bring some new and improved Dorper genetics to the farm. I am super impressed by the quality coming out of my new ram!!

Lamb crop is at about 75% rams and 25% ewes. If the trend continues, I will have plenty of ram lambs available for sale next month! I will send out an email with details on how to place your deposit for 2022 lambs once the final count is in.

Spring grazing is kicking in hard this week! Our growth has been slower than normal due to erratic freezes and a winter drought. But, praise the Lord, we have had about 5″ of precipitation since the beginning of February. It is enough to pull us out of the extreme drought zone and kick start the spring grazing season!
Finally, I want to give a shoutout to one of my favorite grazing resources. It is the book Art and Science of Grazing by Sarah Flack. (Available at ShopShepherdess.com)!

This book is worth it for the images alone! It shows you all you need to setup a grazing plan for sheep, cows, and goats.
Thank you all for supporting my work on the farm!
I appreciate you very much,
-the Shepherdess
“He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11
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