✅THE PRIME ACT IS UP FOR DISCUSSION!! This will alleviate restrictions on custom exempt meat processors and allow small farmers to sell meat processed through them.
Call your U.S Representative as well as BOTH of your U.S. Senators (Cornyn and Cruz here in TX) by September 5th and urge them to sign on to H.R. 2814/S.907 which will remove restrictions on resale of meat from CUSTOM EXEMPT meat processors
Small farmers have 2 options when it comes to meat processing: USDA and Custom Exempt meat processors
To sell their meat to the public, small farmers have to process through a USDA meat processor. These are facilities with USDA agents on the premise at all times.
If processed at a CUSTOM facility the meat is stamped “NOT FOR RESALE” and prohibited from distribution to the public.
While it is often argued that USDA oversight is required in order to assure food safety, there are no records of any foodborne illness traced to any custom slaughterhouse since 2012.
See this link to find your legislators contacts. Please share this video to spread the word!!
#smallfarm #smallfarming #localfood #foodfreedom
Hope you are successful