Hi Friends,
August was full. While pasture work is at a minimum, I used the extra time to produce a video on the impact of regenerative grazing on the Carbon Cycle.
Please comment/share/like the video to support it. There is a lot of bad (ag-related) policy coming out of the Climate Change Movement. This is my effort to combat it!
Enjoy a few more pics from August at the farm! (for those waiting on Marketing tutorials, I have a special offer at the end of the email)
Pardon the dust, no rain for e few weeks and these girls could use a shower!
I did my quarterly health inspection this month. I was FAMACHA scoring and deworming. I used to FAMACHA score monthly, but last year I moved from monthly to quarterly. A few ewes struggled with this transition, so I culled them overwinter. It was a great move and made for an easier year this year!
After deworming, I leave my sheep on on a dry lot for 48hrs. This means that parasites that were not killed by the dewormer are expelled onto a dry lot and not pasture. This is a helpful practice to avoid dewormer resistance!
Headed back to pasture after 48 hours in quarantine!
Despite a dry month we have plenty of pasture stockpiled from generous spring rains!
I get a lot of questions about marketing, so I am offering access to my ”$100K w/ Newsletter Workshop” at 1/2 price through Septmember 5th. This digital workshop unpacks all of the details behind my email newsletter strategy. It was my email newsletter list the helped me to diversify and reach $100k in revenue on my farm within 3 years. The class also also gives you a “60-day Checklist” to help you through the tasks necessary to build toward your first sales.
*God gives the increase, so I cannot make any income guarantees. This Workshop is simply designed to guide you step-by-step in what worked for me!
I hope this resource helps you! If you can’t invest in the paid class right now, check this replay of the free class I hosted the other night :).
-the Shepherdess
“And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” Colossians 1:17
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