MEDICINE I USE FOR MY DORPER SHEEP FLOCK in TEXAS | Deworming, Tail Docking, Shots, and more! - The Shepherdess –
[…] Tail Docking and Castration: The same tool is used for both tail docking and castration. You have the castration pliers and a small rubber band. You just have to stick different parts through this rubber band and leave it there. […]
MEDICINE I USE FOR MY DORPER SHEEP FLOCK in TEXAS | Deworming, Tail Docking, Shots, and more! - The Shepherdess –
[…] Tail Docking and Castration: The same tool is used for both tail docking and castration. You have the castration pliers and a small rubber band. You just have to stick different parts through this rubber band and leave it there. […]