We chose to raise Finnsheep, a heritage breed, for their versatility, superior mothering, multiple birth habit, and parasite resistance. Our small flock live on untreated pasture with a diversity of grasses and legumes. We rotationally graze throughout the year. Our sheep are handled, played with, fussed over, and managed daily. Our pregnant ewes are supplemented with local alfalfa hay and non-GMO + organic whole grains. We continue this until just before our lambs naturally wean from their mommas. Our lambs have been chosen by buyers for their exceptional lustrous crimpy fiber, conformation, and sweet temperaments. Our farm is disease free and tested yearly. Lambs reach market weight, despite Finns being on the smaller side, by six months and have been appreciated in the local gourmet marketplace.
Farm Location: Hillsborough, New Jersey
Breed: Finnsheep (Wool sheep for meat)
Annual feed supplement: 10% or less of their annual diet.
Contact: [email protected]
Phone Number: 201.565.7676