We raise KHSI registered Katahdin sheep, Dexter cows, and Great Pyrenees dogs together on our rolling 54 acre farm near beautiful Lake Hartwell. We practice regenerative grazing on our land which is good for our land and great for our livestock. Our sheep and cows spend 2 to 4 days in each paddock and do not come back to the same bit of ground for 30 or more days. Our sheep are disease tested, very parasite resistant, and Codon 171 tested. We have never had to de-worm our ewes or ram. Our outstanding genetics produce hardy sheep that do excellent on pasture and produce healthy lambs. They have clean water, a variety of high-quality free choice minerals, and plenty of pasture to graze. They are given good quality hay when needed but not fed grain. Our ewes lamb on pasture and have great mothering instincts.
Contact: [email protected]
Phone Number: 864-903-3865
Location: Hartwell ga 30643
Feed Supplement: 10% or less of their annual diet.
Type of Sheep: Meat (hair sheep)
Breed: Katahdin hair sheep.