Our 80 acre farm is located in the picturesque foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Sand Valley, Alabama. We raise registered Katahdin sheep on pasture. Our sheep are out on pasture year round. Our ewes lamb naturally and easily on pasture, not in a barn. We do not use grain as a supplement. We use rotational grazing and mulit-species grazing. We move our flerd every 2-3 days allowing 35-45 days for our pastures to recover between grazing. We offer our flerd free choice organic minerals, sea salt, kelp and fresh clean water. We supplement with grass hay as needed through the winter. Our sheep are very adapted and resistant to parasites. We have never needed to deworm our flock. We have only used dewormer on a few lambs after weaning here and there.
Katahdin sheep are prized for their outstanding pasture growth, excellent maternal instincts, easy lambing characteristics and parasite resistance. This breed is a low-maintenance and adaptable. Katahdin ewes are exceptional mothers, often raising twins or triplets without complication. Rams are effective protectors, yet gentle and sociable.
Sand Valley Pastures registered Katahdins are a closed flock that are disease-tested, RR Codon 171 tested, and of top quality grass genetics. We are a member of KHSI.
Thank you for your interest in our family owned and operated farm raising registered Katahdin sheep, Dexter, Belfair, Miniature Jersey and Turkish shepherd livestock guardian dogs.
www.sandvalleypastures.com we are also on FB at Sand Valley Pastures
Contact: [email protected]
Phone Number: 256-505-9466
Location: Attalla, Alabama
Feed Supplement: 10% or less of their annual diet.
Type of Sheep: Meat/Milk Sheep
Breed: Katahdin