Teaching beginner shepherds how to build a profitable flock!
As beginner sheep farmers, our first year was rough. In 2018 we bought a flock of 35 sheep with no farming experience (beyond a few chickens). In our first year, 40% of our lambs died before they hit 8 months old.
We were simply unaware of a few basic management principles.
When we put these principles into practice, death rate on our sheep farm went from 40% in 2019 to less than 5% in 2022!!
In LAMB FOR LIFE teaches life-saving management principles to beginner sheep farmers!
You will receive:
- 60 minutes of video training: “Raising your lamb from birth to 8 mos.”
- 83 page EBOOK (companion to video training).
- 8 video tutorials (giving shots, deworming, tail docking, etc).
- Complete Supplies List for your sheep farm (and where to buy)!
This is the best consolidation of information about sheep that I have been able to find. This information is almost priceless when it comes to taking care of your flock!
-LFL Student
Basic training for beginner sheep farmers!
- Step-by-step video-training on how to raise your lamb from birth to 8 months.
- FULL LIBRARY of video “How-to’s” including: How to deworm your sheep, How and when to vaccinate your sheep, How give vitamin B shots, How to Eartag a sheep, How to Dock Tails, and more!
- 83 page e-book with photos.
- A list of the most effective sheep care supplies on the market.
- Lifetime access to the training and “How-to Video Library”.
- How to care for your ewe at lambing.
- How to treat some of the most common problems on a sheep farm.
LAMB FOR LIFE© will provide you with step-by-step instruction on how to raise your sheep from birth to 8 months.
Nothing will eliminate your learning curve as a beginner sheep farmer, but I created LAMB FOR LIFE© to cut that curve in half!
What students are saying about LAMB FOR LIFE©:
This workshop was packed with useful information and the accompanying e-book provides many links for videos and additional information. Very well done and definitely worth the price!
-LFL Student
It was very helpful for me having pictures and videos of what going into labor looks like in sheep and knowing when to assist. It also is excellent that Grace gives us a list of things we will need raising sheep.
-LFL Student
Excellent presentation. The information was clear and immediately useful to anyone raising sheep. The timeline for each week (worming, vaccinations, etc.) was very pertinent. Highly recommend!
-LFL Student
Extremely informative! I’ve been researching how to raise Dorper sheep for awhile and this was the most helpful resource yet.
-LFL Student
Very helpful. Very straightforward and to the point. Also some good very specific information.
-LFL Student
Clear directions and experiences shared by the Shepherdess. It was fantastic and highly recommend the course!
-LFL Student
Basic training for beginners in sheep farming!
LAMB FOR LIFE is a course for beginner sheep farmers who want to cut death loss on farm. I will teach you how to raise your lambs, how to care for your ewes at lambing, and give you instructions on how to treat some of the most common problems on a sheep farm.
LAMB FOR LIFE is step-by-step training on how to raise your lambs from birth to 8 months, including how to care for your ewe before and during lambing! You receive: 1 hour of video training, 83 page E-book, and a list of supplies you need to start a sheep farm.
I will teach you how to care for your lamb from birth to 8 months (including how to care for your ewes before and during lambing).
This is a workshop geared toward beginners who want to avoid the losses that come with learning the hard way!
The Flock at Harmony Farms: