Multispecies Rotational Grazing (Small Scale)
Rotational Grazing Chickens for Grassfed Beef and Lamb
Portable Pasture Fertilization
Joel Salatin: Building a Profitable Farm Business
How to Work Cattle in Texas
$100K Small Farm Business Plan
FLERD: Grazing Sheep and Steers Together
Becoming a Farmer in 180 Days
Delivering a Stillborn Breech Lamb
Treating Hoof Rot in Sheep With no Handling System
Rotational Grazing Sheep on a Small Scale
BEGINNER’S GUIDE to Electric Fencing
Here is a complete BEGINNER’S GUIDE to electric fencing. The video above and the supplies list below should provide you with all you need to know to setup electric fencing for your sheep or cows.
- Plastic Reel: HERE
- Step in posts: HERE
- Aluminum 12.5 Gauge Wire: HERE
- 2″ T-post Insulators: HERE
- Bungee Cords: HERE
The .22 joule model we are using has been discontinued, but here are 2 similar options. One is more powerful, and one is less powerful. For reference, the .22 joules powers 1800FT/3spools of poly tape very easily.
(we own this one and use it for a smaller paddock of 5 sheep)